Umweltmanagement fuerr Ihren Betrieb - hpm uebernimmt alle Prozesse Ihres betrieblichen Umweltschutzes.

From a single source - independent and safe

From a single source - independent and safe

Producers of b2c electrical and electronic devices in Germany have to pay a financing guarantee on a calendar year basis. In addition to our own collective guarantee system, the "hpm old appliance guarantee", we offer you the handling and administrative support for participation in an individual guarantee system. Based on the quantities of each type of equipment you have put into circulation and the amounts of money to be deposited, we check individually which system is the more economical option for you.

From competent and independent consultation to administrative support and finally to completion:
We offer you guarantee management and ElektroG compliance from a single source.


In accordance with §7, the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) obliges manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment or, in the case of authorisation in accordance with §8 ElektroG, their authorised representatives to provide the EAR Foundation as the competent authority with an insolvency-proof guarantee for each calendar year for the financing of the return and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market and used in private households.

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